Blog: Appreciating, taking care and leading people: Key to culture building


Appreciating, taking care and leading people: Key to culture building

Be genuine when you appreciate, lead people and not boss them. Some factors that could help create a great culture.
Appreciating, taking care and leading people: Key to culture building

There are six elements which contribute to the creation of great culture in an organization. David Sturt, EVP OC Tanner, talked about the six elements, which he calls the six talent magnets in great detail. But if one were to analyze the present business scenario using the talent magnets as a tool, then how would one go about it? In my previous blog post, I talked about the first three talent magnets in great detail: Purpose, Opportunity, and Success. Here are the other three:

Be genuine when you do appreciate others

Appreciation. According to the OC Tanner research, it stated that almost half of the employees think that their organization takes them and other employees for granted. And more than 1 in 3 employees say that the recognition that they receive feels like an empty gesture. Is this happening in your organization as well? An excellent organizational culture will invest in developing measures and programs which develop a culture of ‘genuine appreciation’. As an organization, the HR can work towards developing a system which appreciates and acknowledges people based on performances, or it could also make it a little more personal when people appreciate one another for small gestures that could have made their day, or would have brought them out of a very sticky situation.

Wellbeing is not just a buzzword

Recently, a lot of organizations have started to focus on the wellbeing of their employees and especially in the form of organizing more visible activities like yoga. But as an organization what is more important is the understanding of the factors which could lead to creation of environment which might cause employee stress. Is the organization overburdening them with work? Is there is an issue of lack of role clarity in the organization? Is there somehow a way in which an organization can intervene and help employees better manage their workload? And then probably, the HR can go further using the target audience segmentation techniques to determine the differing attitudes of the employees and their inclination towards certain stress-busting activities against others. Further, the employees could invest in technologies which asses the health data of the employees and could predict any developing or future health implications, and provide timely assistance. A lot of focus today is also on the emotional and mental wellbeing of the employees.

Bosses versus leadership

Leadership. A lot of the current millennial generation is looking for mentorship and not just people who act like their bosses. According to OC Tanner, the employees today want to differentiate between bosses who tell you what to do and the leaders who their best to help you accomplish something. In the research conducted, almost 1 in 3 employees say that their direct manager does not see them as individuals and they are all just workers to him and her. Today, with the rising complexity and the uncertainty in work culture, it has become important for the managers to act as leaders for their employees.

In all, organizations need to be more conscientious and sensitive towards their employees, so that they can understand and generate insights, either through internal research or technology, to create great culture.

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