Tweetchat - Personalizing the HiPo Career Path
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People Matters in partnership with Right Management conducted the HiPo Week from the 6th to the 12th of July this year. For the 3rd year in a row, online activities and physical events were held in order to bring together the community of HR leaders for sharing the learning and best practices in HR, for one of the most innovative levers for companies to invest in sustainable growth – its talent pipeline.
One of the most prominent and talked about elements of the HiPo Week was the tweetchats. One such tweetchat on ‘Personalizing the HiPo career path’ dwelled upon the ability of companies to create a unique experience for HiPos and how they do it. How can companies create unique experiences that are scalable and sustainable? The Tweetchat with Deloitte’s CTO and Senior Director, SV Nathan, and Right Management’s Country Head, Shakun Khanna, along with leaders from across the HR community gave some answers. This piece brings together some of the excerpts from the fascinating conversation.
Q1. How do employees with high potential define ‘career’ in today’s dynamic world?
Career today is about passion, fulfillment, and opportunity to do best everyday which, incidentally, pays well too.
HiPo career aspirations are tied to their causes, not their companies; and companies will have to understand their causes.
Career: A challenging purposeful journey which provides respect in society.
From an individual point of view ‘Career’ today is more about ‘Aspirations’
For HiPOs career is a series of experiences – lateral and horizontal.
Q2. What do career oriented HiPos expect from their leaders?
HiPos typically expect their bosses to be compasses and not GPS. General pointers not detailed roadmaps.
What HiPos expect most from the leaders: platform to make an impact, opportunity to connect & learn and operational autonomy.
A series of challenging assignments aligned to their interests and capabilities across organizations.
Visibility and dependability.
#HiPos want a differentiated learning experience and variety of opportunities.
Empowerment, Support and Trust.
Transparency in realistic career projection, Trust to Deliver, Freedom to experiment, Sponsor Advancement & not 2 feel threatened!
Guidance & Empowerment in a balanced way!!
Q3. What are the implications of changing career mindsets on the HiPo selection process?
#HiPo selection process needs to evaluate potential, personality, perception and purpose.
Look beyond traditional ‘ladders’ – Need an integration of future org and future talent spots. Every dept dznt need a Director!
The HiPo selection is a first class career pass issued but once. Validity gets extended only by performance and potential.
Wider Selection and stringent evaluation will be the norm – Inclusive to bring diversity and exclusive to those with propensity.
As long as orgs know WHY the change needed and WHAT impact it will have. Then communicate.
Q4. What are the cultural traits an organization needs to engage and retain HiPos?
Priyanka Jaitly @priyanka_jaitly
A progressive culture with empowerment and trust as its foundation.
A culture of close collaboration and innovation where they get to focus on tasks which require creativity, risk–taking.
Open door policy, pay for performance and open communication will help in retaining.
1. Transparency 2. Trust 3. Collaboration 4. Investment in developing expertise.
No boss culture…they need friends, mentors and guides to help them find meaningful work
Orgs culture should focus on people and not on ‘resources’.
Openness, authenticity, focus on building talent, not just buying.
Q5. How can the RoI of the individual focused HiPo program be enhanced?
Begin with the end in mind… define success of the HiPo program; stop running HiPo initiative as a fad.
Firstly, involve HiPos while cooking the HiPo Program recipe, secondly business goals and budgets must justify and sponsor HiPo investments.
ROI is outdated concept. Ask ROR. Return on Relationships.
Balance today’s outcomes v/s tomorrow’s possibilities. Acknowledge: Efforts, Impact, Outcomes and Learning.
ROI of HiPo programs needs to be measured by also considering opportunity cost, retained talent, and impact on employer brand.
Nishanth Varier @Nishanthvarier
Assign strategic projects crucial to business, leveraging HiPo abilities to crack complicated problems
Increase the ROI denominator (invest more by way of management involvement of time and resources), the numerator will follow.
Biggest ROI of the hipo program is the impact it creates on a human life. Immeasurable
Test, pilot, before you buy. Trust by verify. Certify before you crucify!
Q6. What should organizations do to ensure that the vast majority see the HiPo’s as the gifted guys and don’t feel a sense of alienation?
Dont use the term HiPO :) Its just a different pool that will take the org to the future.
The identification process and evaluation norms should be transparent and fair and well communicated.
HiPOs dont make HiPERs less important
Don’t make a cadre of HiPos. Don’t put them on a pedestal.
As someone said yesterday – get engaged to the HiPo but not married. :–) Solid citizens of an org need significant rewards & recognition and development
Read complete tweetchat conversation here.
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