Enriching Organization Maturity by Creating High-Impact HR

It is said that - “HR is the heart of the Organization”. How many of us believe that high-impact human resources strategies could be vital for an organization to achieve successful business sustainability and competitive advantage?
Many businesses understand the need of high performing talent but few understand the role of HR in sourcing the talent and creating an environment in which that talent can strive and sustain.
Comparing the role of HR Leader and other Function Leader - HR is embedded within the work of all function heads, superiors, managers, individual contributors due to the need of managing, developing and retaining people as well as teams to get things done. HR’s role is in “Entirety and Totality”. At the same time most of the other function leaders are limited to their department advancement, in contributing to the annual turnover of the Company, in getting a better position, and in winning greater security. HR has to achieve the advantages by doing work in such a way that makes the “whole” organization sturdier.
Pause for a thought: Have the businesses ever realized HR’s uniqueness of being a multidisciplinary function?
In the day-to-day operations, HR uses multidiscipline such as Psychology, Sociology, Economics, Accounts, and Legal etc. HR being multidisciplinary and embedded with the work of all functions – HR is the breath of any organization. Businesses should definitely focus on the importance of HR existence in the organization to bring in more visibility and create awareness about the criticality of this function for the organizational growth and development. Failing to do so, the time of HR’s motivation to continue the efforts towards organizational development will soon fade away. It goes without saying that only a content, satisfied and engaged mind can constantly keep the environment and people around them happy and engaged.
A competent and engaged HR team could create wonders to the business by creating a positive work culture, and by developing highly productive workforce who could deliver positive business outcomes (financial gains, lower team turnover and more satisfied clients).
What motivates an employee to be highly productive at work? - Good and encouraging work environment, continuous learning experience, opportunity to be associated with the highly talented colleagues, best HR policies and practices and compensation and benefits.
Pause for a thought: Have the business ever thought who is the key player behind the success of the above motivators? It’s your HR team.
It’s time for the business leaders to change their perception, especially for those who have still not understood HR’s bigger role and their contribution as a business partner. It’s time for organizations to recognize, analyze, appreciate, motivate and develop their internal HR team. There is no magic formula for creating a highly motivated and engaged HR team but if the organization really wants to value HR and their contribution and would like to implement strategies which enhances HR role and presence in the organization. Here are few strategies for the businesses to develop high impact HR team;
#1. Empathy
Get to know the HR people in your organization and understand their needs, then give them assignments in which they can become motivated by satisfying their needs. Make them feel appreciated and challenged.
#2. Clear Communication and Consistency
Keep the HR team (especially the Head – HR) informed and build their understanding of what is happening in the business and why; so that they can act as a positive ambassador of your business and communicate the necessary information to the other employees. Consistency in communication, policies, roles and expectations from the stakeholder breeds trust and encourages HR to work towards the organization objectives.
#3. Hear their views
HR is the heart of any organization hence it is vital to welcome and provide venues for HR views and feedback. The stakeholder should participate in such discussion and take appropriate action to consider and respond to their comments. It’s a threat to the organization if HR is not heard, their ideas aren’t valued or acknowledged, as the right and crucial information may not reach the stakeholder.
#4. Bring Visibility
Many times during my interaction, I have heard people saying that we have only met the HR team at the time of hiring, induction and exit ---This is definitely not a good sign for organizational growth. The organization should create a culture and encourage HR to participate; so that the employees experience the presence of HR at all times. Today HR’s role is not just limited to recruitment; they need to be a strategic business partner. Inspite of all the encouragement and support, if your HR doesn’t want to participate or make a difference – in such cases stakeholders should think about an alternative or replacement.
#5. Encourage and make your Head HR a part of your business meetings
Participation in the business meetings would help to get hold of the business requirements and also the forum would provide them avenue to contribute and put forward their views to improve the organization’s productivity and profitability. It’s beneficial for them to get a 360-degree view of the organization’s need.
#6. Spend quality time with HR
Have you ever reflected on - In an average month, how much time do you spend meeting with your organization’s HR Head? It’s of utmost important for the stakeholders to spend some quality time with the HR Head to understand their concerns, obstacles, views etc.
#7. Continuous Development of the HR Team
HR constantly strives towards developing the employees but they fail to focus on their own development. The business should encourage the HR team to not only develop in the areas related to HR but also in developing business acumen, finance etc. The ROI (Return of Investment) of HR development would be visible and experienced by the business.
The implementation of these strategies will create high-impact HR organization; which will definitely help the organization to create a difference in their People, Productivity, and Profitability.