Make your time more productive & profitable: A business standpoint
We all are passing by very extraordinary and distinct times where rather than what we do, what we don’t do matters more. Especially in the current business scenario, many of us have big goals & objectives and most of us work relentlessly to achieve them, yet many times we do not hit those objectives despite working so hard. WHY? One of the biggest causes is that we are working hard on the erroneous things.
What does that Insinuate?
Presume, you want to get muscular body, any good fitness trainer will tell you that 80 percent of your workout should focus on compound movements such as squats, deadlifts and bench-press to quickly add muscle mass. But if you spend most of your time running on the treadmill, It will be a waste of time for your objective even though it is technically a fitness-related activity.
Similarly, as a professional, you focus only or at least mostly on things that make you the most people centric, purpose driven, productive & profitable, everything else is an inept use of your time even if you think it is work.
In your business, your mental and physical energy is your fuel and IT IS RELENTLESS YET RESTRICTED IN SOME FORMS, so be very careful where you invest it!!!
Don't waste it doing hundred diverse things, when 95 of them have nothing to do with your objectives.
Here is what I may suggest: Ask, “Is what I am doing, making me get measurably closer to my objectives?” and I would recommend you to do an exercise- Make a list of all the things that you are doing today that you think is WORK.
Then ask yourself, which of these have the highest Return on Investment? Pick three of them. The majority of your PERSONAL time should be devoted to these activities…Now take a look at all the remaining things, do they require your presence or can they be done by someone else or done using a system? If they can, then delegate or automate them!!!
Finally, STOP DOING anything else that has zero or very low correlation with your goals!!! Stuff you can spend less time on. Non-important phone calls, pointless meetings that can be done on the phone or via videoconferencing or not done at all. Meaningless Networking events where you only meet other competitors, not clients!!!
Eliminate/Automate/Delegate what does not require by you. Do only what is required that requires you. The way to make the most productive & profitable use of your time is not to do MORE THINGS but to do THINGS that matter MORE. Finally, do things that matter really well and do them on a giant scale!!!