Blog: Solving the biggest problems with recruitment solutions


Solving the biggest problems with recruitment solutions

It is not easy to find skilled and focused workers with the right kind of attitude that is a good fit with the vision and goals of an organization. Read to know how you could utilize recruitment solutions.
Solving the biggest problems with recruitment solutions

“I am convinced that nothing we do is more important than hiring and developing people. At the end of the day, you bet on people, not on strategies.” – Lawrence Bossidy, GE

Due to the change in the economy and technological advances, many organizations have changed the way recruitment is handled.  Having said this, there are recruitment challenges which are recurring and which need to be overcome for any firm.  

Finding the right candidate

It is not easy to find skilled and focused workers with the right kind of attitude that is a good fit with the vision and goals of an organization. During this time, it might be a good idea to turn towards temporary and contract workers who can fill in a gap for immediate requirements.  This would give the recruiter some more time to find the right candidate, while an urgent need is taken care of.

Networking, employee referrals, job portals, career fairs and the social media have replaced traditional methods of hiring.  Using social media not only helps to find the right candidate, but it also brings visibility to the firm as one of the best places to work in and increases brand equity.  

Handling potential candidates the right way

Your organization might not be the only place that a potential candidate has applied to.  Therefore, it is all the more important to project your company in the right manner by being transparent, sending out reminders to the candidate on interview schedules and getting back to them with a very quick TAT after the interview process, letting them know about the status of their application. Respecting their time and efforts in appearing for an interview at your firm goes a long way in presenting a professional attitude and a good and clean image of the firm.


In today’s extremely competitive world, it is imperative for the hiring team to act very quickly and make important decisions of hiring, in as quick a manner as possible. Otherwise, a potential candidate can be lost to the competition.  It is true that hiring takes a back seat when other pressing matters take up the time of the management unless there is a very urgent need for filling up a role.  Hence the recruiting team needs to be pushed and coached towards acting quickly and decisively.  

Using antiquated search tools

Using antiquated search tools to find the right candidate will get you nowhere and will make you fall behind when compared to the competition.  Being technology savvy and up-to-date with social media, which is a veritable goldmine of networking opportunities is absolutely necessary.  Get up to speed with social media skills or hire someone who knows how to get the best out of this medium.

Ineffective recruiters

Nowadays, most companies outsource their recruiting processes.  In-house talent in this domain takes up a lot of time sitting in front of a computer going through piles of resumes and short listing potential candidates.  But it is prudent to choose your recruiting partner wisely.  They should be able to understand the culture, values, mission and vision statements of your organization, think like you do and act on your behalf while presenting themselves to the outside world.  

The above-recruiting challenges are real, but they can also be seen as opportunities to have a sound strategic plan in place and improve the recruitment system and process.

Challenges are thrown at an organization in order to help them grow, fill in the gaps and surge ahead.  

Effective use of technology is really crucial in keeping up with the new demands placed on recruitment by a global, millennial and contract workforce. From easing administrative burdens to increase the chances of a quick and successful hiring process and most importantly in properly developing candidates, technology provides the best opportunity for recruiters to always keep pace.

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Topics: Recruitment, Talent Acquisition, Strategic HR

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