Event: A recruiter's guide to crafting a content strategy

  • When: 13th June, 2018 - 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Who should attend: Talent Acquisition Leads, Recruitment Heads ,HR Heads and Personnel, Senior HR Leaders and Managers

A recruiter’s job today is not just about being able to drive the recruitment process. He or she is expected to be able to spot the right talent for the right job, at the right time. In order to do this in today’s competitive talent marketplace, a recruiter must become the advocate of the company’s brand. 

A company that has a clearly articulated value proposition in the marketplace is at an advantage. Communicating what you have to offer, and what makes your workplace an excellent place to work is critical to attracting talent. How and where do you start? 

In this webcast, we will cover key tips that you need to know while strategizing your content marketing – from how to get attention to making every word count, from auditing to proofreading, learn about the necessary steps to embark on content marketing. 

Here's what we will cover:

  1. Why is content related to work and workplace important?
  2. Tips to optimize your job-related content
  3. What are some do’s and don’ts you need to know?
  4. How do you measure the performance of your initiatives?

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Bharat Jayaprakash

Bharat Jayaprakash

Senior Director, Indeed.com

For more information contact…

Reshma Nair


  • Indeed