Event: Coaching : A Learning & Development tool to create high performance cultures

  • When: Tuesday, 25th June 2019, 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
  • Who should attend: L&D Professionals, Talent Heads, Senior HR Managers

Coaching is a hot topic for organizations. In this webinar, Jonathan Passmore, a globally recognized coach and academic will share insights from his practice and research. The session will be a chance to think through your own approach to coaching and ensure as an L&D leader you are helping your organization towards high performance.

Here's what we will cover:

  1. What can coaching do for leaders and managers?
  2. How to find the right coaches for the organization?
  3. How to create a coaching culture within the organization?
  4. What contribution can coaching make to the bottom line?


Click Here to Register!



Dr.Jonathan Passmore

Dr.Jonathan Passmore

Director, The Henley Centre for Coaching

For more information contact…

Reshma Nair


  • XEd