Event: Creating a Competitive and Caring Workforce Ecosystem for Unstoppable India

  • When: Thursday & Friday, October 9 - 10, 2014
  • Location: ITC Grand Central
  • Price: For Members: Rs. 12500, Non - Members: Rs. 15000, Students/Faculties: Rs. 4500
  • Who should attend: The Participants would consist of CEOs, Heads of HR/ER/IR and other Senior Management Personnel, Academicians, Students, Faculty of Management Institutes and trade union leaders nominated by organizations.

The Employers’ Federation of India – a premier apex organization of employers will be holding its flagship Annual Event “EFI National Human Resources Management (HRM) Summit – 2014 and Council of Indian Employers (CIE) 34th Employee Relations Conference” on October 9 – 10, 2014 at Hotel ITC Grand Central, Mumbai – 400 012.


In today’s globalized world, India stands at a very critical juncture. On one side, it has the biggest advantage of having nearly half of its population below the age of 30 and on the other hand it has challenge of providing meaningful employment to the youth, upgrading their skills to meet the global requirements of quality and standards. There is no doubt that the most critical factor is definitely going to be the speed with which we can create employment and employability to meet the aspirations of youth including those already employed. The summit looks to answer these questions and also how to ensure increased productivity in its manufacturing sector and excellence in its services sector.

The summit also looks at some of the good practices being followed in leading Indian companies and how the same can percolate down to all organizations. It also looks at a holistic growth and seeing to it that in this race for excellence and productivity we also are able to meet with competition from countries like China and Japan. The summit therefore will look at good practices from both these countries as well.

In this unstoppable growth we have to still be caring for 50% of the workforce i.e. fairer sex and also carry others who are less privileged, socially and economically disadvantaged. The social partners i.e. the employers, trade unions and the government will play an important role in ensuring growth with stability and find answers to engagement of workforce in the ecosystem.


ITC Grand Central

ITC Grand Central Parel, Mumbai - 400012

For more information contact…

Nikita Kumar
022 - 2284 4232


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