Event: Crossing the next-frontier of recruitment challenges

  • When: 18th April, 2018 - 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Who should attend: HR Heads and Personnel, Senior HR Leaders and Managers, Recruitment/TA Heads

According to Deloitte Human Capital Trends Study 2017, 83% of the executives rate talent acquisition as important or very important, clearly highlighting how critical recruitment is. At each stage of the recruitment life cycle - sourcing, engaging, hiring and on-boarding a prospective candidate, there are insights that a recruiter needs to be aware about. These insights not only help ease the recruitment process, but also improve the candidate experience and enhance the employer brand.

This panel discussion will focus on what are the recruitment challenges being faced by companies today and how changing businesses and technological disruptions are impacting the recruitment function. Here are some of the discussion pointers:

  1. What are the key drivers in the business scenario that are impacting recruitment function in multiple industries?
  2. How are talent acquisition leaders changing their approach to source, engage, hire and on-board the talent in the wake of these challenges?
  3. What are some of the biggest questions that talent leaders should be asking to identify and overcome these challenges?
  4. Where is the value that technology is adding beyond automating processes? What is the strategic impact of leveraging technology in the end-to-end journey?
  5. What are the barriers that are preventing organizations from adopting technology that can transform their hiring processes?

Click here to register!


Ester Martinez

Ester Martinez

CEO & Editor-in-Chief, People Matters Media
Savita Hortikar

Savita Hortikar

Head - Talent Acquisition, ThoughtWorks
Hari Krishna

Hari Krishna

CEO & Co-founder, Param.ai

For more information contact…

Reshma Nair
0124 4841 215


  • Param.ai

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