Event: Descriptive, to predictive & prescriptive HR analytics

  • When: Friday, 2nd November 2018, 11:30 AM (IST) & 2:00 PM (SGT)
  • Who should attend: HR Heads and Personnel, Senior HR Leaders and Managers

While descriptive analytics in HR provides valuable insights about how decisions in the past impacted talent management, predictive and prescriptive method of analyzing data helps in making decisions for the future based on predictions. Prescriptive analytics take the science of data analytics to the next level--you can get recommendations based on logic and data that is uninfluenced by human biases. 

In this conversation with Fermin Diez, Deputy CEO & Group Director, National Council for Social Service and Chee Tung Leong, CEO - Engage Rocket, experts will explore how the HR fraternity can help their employees move from a ‘what went wrong?’ approach to a ‘how can we implement this strategy based on sound data analytics?’ 

Click Here to Register!


For more information contact…

Aakanksha Singh
0124 4841 215


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