From carefully positioned employer brands to real-time EVPs; Organizations are having to move quickly or else may have to lose their positions on the talent attraction charts. This is a journey which has been spurred thanks to social media. The real-time feedback from employees and candidates on glass-door, blogs and so on is making it very difficult for organizations to pitch for an idealistic “employer brand”. Instead, they are moving to EVP, which states facts about the organization and are fully transparent for employees and candidates alike.
This masterclass will focus on answering the below questions –
• What is this shift from ‘Employee Branding to Employee Value Preposition’ all about?
• What are the opportunities and challenges that arise from this change?
• How are organizations dealing with change of shift in mindset? What are the implications?
• How can we take advantage of this shift to move up the talent attraction charts?
• How is PepsiCo dealing with this change?
Pranav Gupta
124- 4412326