Event: Identifying Top Managerial Competencies and Retaining Talent

  • When: Thursday, 8th of September, 2016, from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
  • Location: Online
  • Price: Complimentary
  • Who should attend: HR Heads, TA Heads, HR Managers and Senior HR leaders

HR departments today are confronted with 2 critical questions:

1. Are you hiring leaders of tomorrow capable enough to accomplish goals, influence teams and manage complexity. Hiring into managerial roles require understanding of competencies in individuals that would make them successful.
2. Every time you lose salaried employees, you end up spending 6 to 9 times their salary to replace them. For executive positions, this could go as high as 213% of the employee’s annual salary. 45% of employees leave due to lack of job fit or work culture in an organization, the rest leave due to better pays, benefits, career growth opportunities or personal reasons. It’s necessary to have specific retention strategies in place based on the profile of such managerial hires.


In this webinar we will discuss:

1.The characteristics that make hiring the right managers and retaining talent successful.
2.How to identify competencies in individuals that would make them successful?
3.What can help organizations predict the possibility retaining a candidate for longer?

Join us in People Matters & Meritrac webinar session on 8th September, 2016


Somdev Chaudhuri

Somdev Chaudhuri

Assessment Products Specialist, MeritTrac

For more information contact…

Jyoti Gupta


People Matters & Pearson TalentLens Webinar


  • MeritTrac

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