Popularizing learning and development programs that are running in your organisation is critical to its success. In this offering for many, it is important to showcase the right program to the right talent. To achieve this, HR and L&D leaders need to wear their marketing hats and use the right techniques to sell these initiatives in order to attract participation from the employees.
In this Tweetchat, Experts will discuss how to market your L&D initiatives within your organisation.
Questions to be answered in this thought provoking Tweetchat:
1) How do you define L&D as a product to market?
2) While marketing L&D which is the target audience you keep in mind? Why?
3) Why is it important to market L&D? Who should be responsible for the same?
4) How is your organization marketing L&D?
5) What are the roadblocks that should be taken care of while marketing L&D?
Register now & join us for this Tweetchat using the Hashtag #MarketingLnD.
As a part of this tweetchat, you may use the hashtag #MarketingLnD for tweeting your queries and the question or respective answer number.
See you online.
Diksha Raheja