Event: Making Sales Training Fun and Effective

  • When: 31st August 2015, 3:00pm-4:00pm
  • Price: Complimentary
  • Who should attend: Heads, L&D Heads, Recruitment Leaders

Making Sales Training Fun and Effective

For any organization, the sales force is a major growth engine and a critical source of revenues. Leading a sales team is therefore a high stakes activity and requires a lot of skill and practice. While there are several sales training programs available in the market, this webinar will explore the important aspects to consider when choosing the right sales training program which can be highly coordinated, delivered in a meaningful way, and continued in a reasonable time frame.



In this webinar session we will discuss:

  1. Creating fun, engaging and relevant sales training programs.
  2. Improve top-line performance
  3. Promote retention in sales terms
  4. Improve skills and morale sales team


Join us in People Matters & KNOLSKAPE webinar session to know more about Making Sales Training Fun and Effective.


Madan Panathula

Madan Panathula

Senior Learning & Talent Transformation Consultant, KNOLSKAPE

For more information contact…

Ravina Varadkar
0124 4412 316


  • Knolskape