Event: Mobile-Ready HR Organization

  • When: Friday 4th September, 2015 from 7 pm IST, 9:30 AM EST
  • Who should attend: CHROs, Recruitment Leaders, TA and L&D Heads,HR Heads and Senior & Middle HR Professional

Join us for the People Matters and TMP Worldwide upcoming Tweetchat on – Mobile-Ready HR Organization on 4th September.

We are delighted to have our #MobileReady speakers & contributors hosting this Tweet Chat on 4th September, 2015, at 7 pm IST, 9:30 EST

Mobile is turning to be the ‘Go-to device’ for consumers - why will it be different at the workplace? For human resource specialists, the power of mobile technologies can be leveraged across the employee life cycle.

We will be discussing the following questions during the chat:

Q1. Why mobile? Is it a fad or is it real? 
Q2. What are the different elements one should take into consideration when moving to a mobile centric talent management strategy? 
Q3. Share how are you using mobile in the recruitment function?
Q4. Share how are you using mobile in driving communication and engagement?
Q5. Share how are you using mobile for learning? 
Q6. What is your advice on how to get started?

For more information contact…

Naina Bedi
+91(0) 124-4412329


  • People Matters
  • TMP Worldwide

Your opinion matters: Tell us how we're doing this quarter!

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