Event: Optimizing Campus Hiring for Sustainable Leadership Pipeline

  • When: October 29th from 11:00 am (IST)
  • Price: Complimentary
  • Who should attend: HR Heads, TA Heads, Senior HR & Recruitment Leaders

In today’s business scenario, Talent Acquisition leaders are facing challenges with identifying, engaging, and onboarding the right graduate talent efficiently. The volumes of job applications, diverse range of qualifications and different grading techniques make it difficult to assess the employability of a candidate.

These issues of attracting top talent are now resolved through CEB’s Graduate Employability Framework, proven to predict the likelihood of success in graduate roles for now and in the future. Based on the framework Graduate Selection Report is prepared for the recruiters. The Report measures how a candidate’s preferred style or typical way of behaving is likely to influence his potential performance on eight competency areas that are grouped under two main headings. These are ‘Execution’, which encompasses the areas of talent required to get things done, and ‘Engagement’, which encompasses the areas of talent needed to engage and work with others effectively.

Key points which we will cover in this webinar session:

  1.   What are the best practices on large-scale graduate recruitment?
  2.   How to improve effectiveness of campus hiring program?
  3.   How can Campus hiring programs transform the current talent acquisition process

Join us for a fascinating conversation to know about the trends and best practices on how to optimize your campus hiring program and build a strong talent pipeline.


Shaurav Sen

Shaurav Sen

Advisory Leader, CEB

For more information contact…

Jyoti Gupta


People Matters & MeritTrac Webinar


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