Event: Writing for business

  • When: Tuesday, 26th of November, 2013 from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm
  • Location: Online
  • Price: Complimentary
  • Who should attend: The webinar will be beneficial for HR heads, business head, senior & middle HR professionals, managers and leaders who want to learn about improving workplace productivity and organizational performance.

Writing for business - The often taken-for-granted predictor of performance and business growth

Most of us realize that effective use of all workplace competencies begin with good communication skills! Yet, business writing, a major component of workplace communication, tends to be side-tracked during hiring and development processes - even in the most progressive organizations.

In today’s global economy, where businesses are practically conducted via written communication, be it in the form of daily e-mails, creating RFPs, or writing business reports, good written communication skills can often mean the difference between business success and failure. The written word, unlike what is spoken, is unsupported by contextual information such as tone, facial expression or body language. Such de-contextualized communication, if not applied appropriately, has the potential to create undesired impressions on clients, colleagues and customers, and worse, mar an organization's reputation. Hence, organizations today are beginning to assess business writing capabilities in their talent pool, to ensure a positive client experience, brand-perception and ultimately positive business results.

The webinar will address the following aspects:

1. Communication Skills - Gaps between what organizations expect and where the talent lies – Highlights of the Versant Global and India Report from Pearson TalentLens.
2. Writing for business - A key predictor of job performance.
3. The fundamental difference between spoken and written communication skill - Possessing one is not the same as possessing the other.
4. Hiring mistakes - The taken-for-granted skill that is not really assessed during job interviews.
5. Automated assessments - Eliminating subjectivity in assessing business writing skills.

Click here to book your Webinar seat now:http://bit.ly/173zuXV


Eric Lane

Eric Lane

Senior Manager, Pearson Knowledge Technologies, California
Shashir Shetty

Shashir Shetty

National Sales Manager, Pearson TalentLens

For more information contact…

Akanksha Mishra
91 (0) 124 – 4412307


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