Oracle & People Matters is excited to bring to you the #LetsTalkTalentWeek with a fresh perspective after the successful 7 seasons of Let’s Talk Talent – A Modern HR India Seasonal. In this edition, we will focus on what HR needs to do to future proof itself in the age of continuous disruptions & much more.
The activities will include:
1. Webcast: From ‘Structured’ to ‘agile’ – How should HR navigate shifting expectations
Date: 20th November, 11.00AM - 12.00PM
Click here to know more details & register
2. Tweetchat on High-tech vs high-touch experience in the age of AI in HR
Date : 21st November, 3.30PM - 4.00PM
Click here to know more details
3. Facebook Live on ‘Navigating the technology invasion at the workplace – What’s HR’s role?’
Date: 22nd November, 3.00PM - 3.45PM
Click here to know more details
Gear up for an exciting series of conversation as part of Oracle – People Matters Let’s Talk Talent Week 2018 from November 19-23.
Reshma Nair