Event: People Matters & Pearson TalentLens Week 2016

  • When: 14th November to 18th November 2016
  • Price: Complimentary
  • Who should attend: CHROs, HR Heads, HR Directors, HR Senior Managers, HR Managers and Recruitment leaders

Recruitment space has come a long way, from candidates being assessed with paper pencil versions of numerical and verbal tests to full-fledged online assessments, that could be taken at scale, are valid and without human bias. With the growing demand to find the right candidate, on-the-go, the current need of the hour is to go mobile with the assessment.

A recent study from LinkedIn shows that, 39% of the recruiters agree that the quality of hire is the most important of all the metric for performance. Organizations today face the complex challenge of recruiting the right talent, with essential skill, knowledge and attitude that fits the role, in volume. With the persisting gap between the hiring volume and budget, it is extremely important that the organizations look for solutions that will optimize the hiring process while keeping a check on the budget.

So how can organization tackle this mammoth task?

Solution: Mobile Assessment.

While mobile phones have moved on to become a crucial part of every day’s personal needs, it is interesting to know how they are also playing a vital part in the recruitment needs (as a customized job or candidate locater). A study, conducted by Pearson TalentLens, says, 74% of the candidates have visited company’s website on their phones, 69% of which have accessed it before they reach work.

That leaves organizations with the following questions:

1. What is mobile assessment? How does it work?

2. What is the importance of mobile assessment in the workplace?

3. How can organization infuse mobile assessment in their hiring process?

4. How can organizations benefit from this?

5. What are the repercussions of not including mobile assessment as a part of the recruitment process?

Join the Mobile Assessment Week with People Matters and Pearson TalentLens to take a close look at the power of enabling Mobile Assessment into the system and become a forward-thinking assessment solution organization.

As part of the Mobile Assessment Week  we will be having

1.       Webinar on Up-to-date recruitment - Forward thinking recruitment practices on 15th November from 11:00 am- 12:00 pm 

2.       Tweetchat on Sharpening the saw: Leveraging mobile technology to enhance the quality of hiring on 16th November from 7:00 pm- 7:30 pm. Join us on twitter using the hashtag #MobileHireWeek

For more information contact…

Rahul Singh


HR Symposium 2016


  • Pearson TalentLens

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