Event: Right Management & People Matters HiPo Week 2015

  • When: 6th to 10th July
  • Price: Complimentary
  • Who should attend: CEOs, CHROs, HR Heads, HR Directors, HiPo Program Managers and all stakeholders of HiPo Program

Encouraging, Enabling, Engaging HiPo Leaders

High potential (HiPo) leaders are individuals who demonstrate the ability and willingness to lead the ownership of responsibilities that are above and beyond their current position. However, performance appraisal data suggests that less than 30% of current high performing managers are also high potentials leaders. As businesses review their year 2020 roadmap, the regression of over 70% of today’s high performers is an alarming leak!

For the 3rd year running, People Matters is proud to partner with Right Management to present the HiPo Week 2015! 

As a recap, Year 1 covered the initial stages of HiPo programs, from identification and nomination to development and measurement. In Year 2, we analyzed the opinions and perspectives of the stakeholders: the CEO, the CHRO, the program leader and the HiPo itself.  

It is now time to delve deeper while keeping an eye on the next major milestone – Year 2020. Year 3 looks at how organizations are designing and customizing their HiPo programs to define career opportunities for today’s demographically diverse high potential leaders. The aim is to optimize current investments to prepare high potential employees of today to become the leaders of tomorrow. 

This is where this week-long initiative will bring you a series of:

  • - Webinars
  • - Content focused newsletters
  • - Tweet chats
  • - Radio programs
  • - Virtual coaching sessions
  • - Master classes


A few seconds here will take you to a week full of knowledge & learning! Register Now.

For more information contact…

Ritu Chaudhary
0124 4412316


HiPo Week : Tweetchat


  • Right Management

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