Event: TA League Mega Tweet Chat on Pivoting to the new!

  • When: 5th May, 2016 from 7:00 pm to 7:30 pm (IST)
  • Location: #TALeague on Twitter
  • Who should attend: TA Heads, Recruitment leaders, Graduate Hiring Heads, Leadership Hiring Heads; Senior HR Leaders with responsibility on sourcing, hiring, onboarding; Consultants, experts and catalysts in the recruitment and assessment space; Functional service providers and innovators

As we get closer to the TA League Annual Conference to be held in Mumbai on the 9th of June, we invite our speakers to join the community to look at the recruitment function with new lenses. You can access the complete agenda of the conference here. While we look forward to welcome you all in Mumbai in June, lets get the conversation going on Twitter.

Theme of the TweetChat: Pivoting to the new!

Recruitment as a function is under tremendous pressure to produce results, more than ever before. Survey after survey shows the incapacity of Indian organizations to grow at the pace they aspire due to the lack of access of high caliber talent that can visualize, lead and execute their ambitious business plans. Join us on the 5th of May for this tweetchat and have your say on the following questions :-

Q1. What does business leaders expect from recruitment today that is different form the past?

Q2. What are the new skills, experiences and aptitudes required for recruitment leaders to fulfill those expectations?

Q3. How can organizations re-skill & up-skills their recruitment teams?

Q4. Who is better suited to be a recruiter today?  

Q5. What should a recruitment leader start doing from tomorrow morning?

As a part of this tweetchat, you may use the hashtag #TALeague for tweeting your queries and the question or respective answer number. (e.g. Q1/A1)


Unmesh Pawar

Unmesh Pawar

Global Managing Director HR, Accenture
Mona Hakeem

Mona Hakeem

Talent Recruitment Leader, GE South Asia
Premlesh Machama

Premlesh Machama

Managing Director, CareerBuilder.com
Adam Sunman

Adam Sunman

Global Employer Branding and Social Media Lead, Vodafone
Susham Shetty

Susham Shetty

Regional Manager South, Pearson TalentLens India

For more information contact…

Neha Nagpal
0124 4412 306


  • People Matters