Event: The science of talent attraction in 2018 – Tactics to jump start your strategy

  • When: 27th March, 2018 - 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Who should attend: Talent Acquisition Leads, Recruitment Heads ,HR Heads and Personnel, Senior HR Leaders and Managers

In the last decade alone, it is estimated that over $100 million was lost due to hiring the wrong candidates. By taking a close look at the seven stages in the career decision making process, recruiters can pay a close attention to the touch points that they need to focus on. Never have there been more ways to recruit talent – right from job search, social media to staffing firms, but successful recruiters understand that the expectations of inbound and outbound candidates are varied.

In this webcast, you will learn about the latest research on what should be in your tool kit to make your talent attraction strategy a success. Here’s what we will cover:

-         Understand the context of job search in 2018

-         What do you need to know about psychology of job search

-         Types of candidates and what attracts them

-         Five key practices to find the right talent

Click here to register!



Bharat Jayaprakash

Bharat Jayaprakash

Senior Director, Indeed.com

For more information contact…

Reshma Nair
0124 4841 215


  • Indeed

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