News: LinkedIn names Mahesh Narayanan as Country Manager for India


LinkedIn names Mahesh Narayanan as Country Manager for India

Mahesh will report to Olivier Legrand, LinkedIn’s Managing Director for the Asia Pacific (APAC) region.
LinkedIn names Mahesh Narayanan as Country Manager for India

LinkedIn today announced the appointment of Mahesh Narayanan as Country Manager for India, effective January 7, 2019.

Mahesh will report to Olivier Legrand, LinkedIn’s Managing Director for the Asia Pacific (APAC) region and will join the company’s Asia Pacific senior management team.

Olivier Legrand, Managing Director - Asia Pacific, LinkedIn, commented, “India continues to be a strategic market for LinkedIn, and we are pleased to have Mahesh join our team to take our business to its next growth chapter. As we continue to invest in the market, Mahesh’s strong track record in leading growth businesses and his deep market experience will bolster our efforts in India.”

Mahesh brings with him more than two decades of experience in building and growing digital businesses in South Asia. He has previously spearheaded the digital transformation and market-entry strategies for quite a few digital businesses such as Saavn, Sociomantic Labs, Google, and AdMob.

On his appointment, Mahesh stated, “I am grateful for the opportunity to further LinkedIn's vision and mission in an important market that is rapidly digitizing. LinkedIn has created a meaningful impact on the professional lives of millions of people, myself included, and I am excited to work with the team to deliver even more value to members and customers.”

 As LinkedIn’s fastest-growing and largest market outside the US, India has seen its member base grow from 3.4 million members in November 2009 to more than 53 million members in July 2018. The growth in member base in India is the result of a strong India focus that has inspired many products such as the LinkedIn Lite (that has now been scaled to 135+ countries globally) and Resume Builder, built specifically to address the needs of the Indian workforce. Last month, LinkedIn also launched the LinkedIn Salary product feature in India, which is a definitive resource for job salary data.


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Topics: Appointments, Leadership

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