News: AIMA and KPMG suggest five crucial key elements to propel women toward leadership roles


AIMA and KPMG suggest five crucial key elements to propel women toward leadership roles

The "Women Leadership in Corporate India 2024" report by AIMA and KPMG provides a detailed analysis of the state of female leadership in India, revealing both progress and areas needing attention.
AIMA and KPMG suggest five crucial key elements to propel women toward leadership roles

The majority of the organisations in India have just 10-30% women in leadership roles while 87% of women professionals aspire to hold a leadership role as compared to 78% of their men counterparts.

According to the findings of the Women Leadership in Corporate India 2024 report by AIMA and KPMG, more than 9% organisations in India have no women representation at the leadership level.

The findings also suggest that 12% organisations have more than 50 % of women in leadership roles. The report further reveals 51% of organisations have achieved diversity at the CEO/CXO level, the remaining 49% are yet to catch up. This indicates progress, but there's still room for improvement in ensuring gender diversity in leadership positions across organisations.

Participants from across industries were surveyed on five key aspects: 

  • the current representation of women in leadership roles,
  • the aspirations and challenges women face in their leadership journeys,
  • the effectiveness of leadership development programs for women, the availability of opportunities and fairness of evaluation systems for women leaders, and
  • the strength of diversity and inclusion efforts within organizations.

The progress achieved in women's leadership representation is encouraging and represents a transformed corporate landscape in India. 

To create a more equitable and inclusive environment where women can thrive in leadership positions, the survey suggests five crucial elements to help women succeed in leadership roles:

Focus on Retention and Growth: Organisations must prioritise retaining women, providing growth opportunities, and creating supportive environments for them to achieve their career aspirations.

Combat Gender Bias: Training and workshops can raise awareness about gender bias and create a level playing field. Encouraging men to support women in managing family responsibilities is also crucial.

Implement DEI Initiatives: Introducing DEI policies, mentoring programs, and skill-building workshops fosters an inclusive culture that empowers women leaders.

Targeted Leadership Development: Organisations should design programs addressing specific needs of women, such as work-life balance, confidence building, and overcoming gender stereotypes.

Fair and Transparent Evaluation: Regular reviews and audits of leadership evaluation mechanisms ensure fairness and address potential biases.

Women Affinity Groups: Promoting affinity groups fosters networking and knowledge sharing among women leaders.

Role Models: Highlighting the achievements of successful women leaders showcases them as role models and inspires others.

“Robust mentorship and sponsorship programmes, flexible work policies, and embracing 'returnship' programmes will help women re-integrate into the workforce and invigorate their leadership journey. These strategies will not only unlock the full potential of our workforce but also establish our organisations as true leaders in fostering inclusive leadership and driving sustainable success, said Yezdi Nagporewalla, CEO, KPMG in India.

The report emphasises the need for a top-down approach to fostering women's leadership. Senior leaders play a crucial role in identifying high-potential women, designing clear career paths, and providing necessary support for their development. 

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Topics: Business, Diversity, #HRCommunity, #SheMatters

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