News: India, China to be the biggest investors by 2030: World Bank report


India, China to be the biggest investors by 2030: World Bank report

India and China will be the biggest investors by 2030, accounting for 38 percent of the global gross investment and almost half of all the world manufacturing investment as per a recent report by the World Bank.

India and China will be the biggest investors by 2030, accounting for 38 percent of the global gross investment and almost half of all the world manufacturing investment as per a recent report by the World Bank.

The Global Development Horizons report by World Bank says that China will account for 30 percent of global investment in 2030, with Brazil, India and Russia together accounting for another 13 percent. China and India will be the largest investors among developing countries, with the two countries combined representing 38 percent of the global gross investment in 2030, and they will account for almost half of all global manufacturing investment.

By 2030, half the global stock of capital, totaling USD 158 trillion (in 2010 dollars), will be in the developing world, compared to less than one-third today, with countries in East Asia and Latin America accounting for the largest shares of this stock, says the report, which explores patterns of investment, saving and capital flows as they are likely to evolve over the next two decades.

Titled "Capital for the Future: Saving and Investment in an Interdependent World", the report projects developing countries’ share in global investment to triple by 2030 to three-fifths, from one-fifth in 2000.


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