News: Equal opportunities policies for Transgenders at workplaces


Equal opportunities policies for Transgenders at workplaces

Under the new rule by the Center, every establishment – private or government – would mandatorily formulate an Equal Opportunity Policy to ensure there is no discrimination against transgenders in employment.
Equal opportunities policies for Transgenders at workplaces

After seven months that the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act was passed by the Parliament, the Centre has now notified the rules to operationalize the legislation. Transgenders would now have the right to self-perceived identity and get an identity certificate from the district magistrate within 30 days of application.

Earlier, the ministry of social justice and empowerment had mandated a psychologist’s report be attached with the application to the district magistrate. However, this requirement has been done away with after several representations questioned the rationale behind this move. The certificate of identity would be issued within a month of application by a transgender. When a certificate is given, the transgender person would also get an identity card. There would be no penalty if a person’s claim for  ..

As per the new rules every establishment, private or government has to formulate an Equal Opportunity Policy, display it on the website, and widely circulate it to educate employees and  ensure there is no discrimination against transgenders in employment, promotion and provision of basic amenities like unisex toilets at workplace.

“The equal opportunities policies for Transgenders should go a long way to ensure that they will be able to freely identify and express themselves at the workplace without the fear of repercussion, and will have access to justice mechanisms embedded in corporate and public spaces,” said Zainab Patel, Director Diversity and Inclusion, KPMG India. 

How companies in India now relook at their people policies to make it more inclusive for Transgenders is to look forward to. While a lot has been done in recent two years to strengthen inclusivity for the LGBTQ+ community, from parental leaves to other benefits, not much focus was given to the Transgenders earlier. Now as the rules by the Center stand by them, organizations will also be more empowered to enrich their work policies and create more work opportunities for Transgenders. More inclusivity for them in the education sector will also further make them more employable. 

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