News: Women at gender-inclusive companies offer 3x higher loyalty, productivity: Deloitte Study


Women at gender-inclusive companies offer 3x higher loyalty, productivity: Deloitte Study

Women professionals at equality-leading companies show significantly higher morale and performance.
Women at gender-inclusive companies offer 3x higher loyalty, productivity: Deloitte Study

Women thrive at gender-inclusive companies, with loyalty and productivity skyrocketing, according to a new study by Deloitte. Their global report, "Women @Work: A Global Outlook," surveyed 5,000 women across 10 countries, including India, and reveals a stark contrast in the experiences of women at companies that prioritise gender equality compared to those lagging behind.

Women working for Gender Equality Leaders (GELs) reported significantly higher scores for loyalty (76 on a scale of 100), productivity (75), and overall motivation and sense of belonging (71). 

“Much has been said about the business case for inclusive practices. These findings corroborate that point of view with hard facts,” says Saraswathi Kasturirangan, Chief Happiness Officer, Deloitte India.

These women are far more likely to recommend their company to other women, feel satisfied with the mental health support they receive, and openly discuss mental health challenges in the workplace.

Deloitte's report also highlights key areas where Indian companies can focus to improve gender equality. These include easing the return-to-work transition for women, particularly by adopting hybrid work models that offer greater flexibility.  

Companies also need to support work-life harmony by addressing widespread fears that utilising flexible work options will harm career advancement and adjusting workloads accordingly. 

Encouraging male allyship by promoting shared responsibility for childcare and caregiving, both at home and through inclusive company policies, is crucial. Prioritising  women's safety, both at work and while commuting, through clear policies and awareness training is essential.

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Topics: Diversity, #HRCommunity, #SheMatters

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