News: announces gender-neutral parental leave

Employee Engagement announces gender-neutral parental leave

Male, female, and non-binary parents to get six months of paid leaves. announces gender-neutral parental leave

Health and fitness organisation today announced the launch of its gender-neutral parental leave programme for employees. 

This is an update on the existing maternity and paternity policy of six months and would further expand the programme to cover non-binary parents, the company said in a statement.

With this launch, employees who are opting for parenthood through natural birth, surrogacy, or adoption will be eligible to avail of the parental break, regardless of their gender.

The Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act 2017 prescribes a maternity break of 26 weeks.  If a woman adopts a child under the age of three months, then she is eligible for a leave of 12 weeks. Central government employees can avail of paternity leaves for up to 15 days, but no formal policy is in place for employees in the private sector. 

The leave programme from strikingly differs in terms of equalising the benefits for all parents. This break is a paid leave of six months and is followed up with flexible working models for those who’d like to opt for a longer break.

There are monthly check-ins by the team and project members, should the employee choose to get updates on their projects. This is designed to provide an option for the employee to be engaged with the organisation during the break and smoothen the learning curve on their return.

Once the employee is back, they can choose to continue the previous project that they were working on or be mapped to new projects. The programme also addresses the commonly quoted pain point of decelerated careers during parental breaks, by not altering the employee appraisal cycles.

“One of the core values at is ‘doing the right thing’. In an era, where we’re collectively on a journey to remove labels and enable all individuals to discover their best selves and be better every day, this programme organically seemed like the right thing to do. The programme empowers our employees to design a life best suited to their aspirations and eliminates bias,” said Ankit Gupta, head of product & engineering at . Healthcare is well known for its brand ‘’, India’s largest fitness chain . Founded in 2016 by Mukesh Bansal and Ankit Nagori, caters to living a healthy life through its critical dimensions — physical fitness and wellness. 

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Topics: Employee Engagement, Employee Relations, Benefits & Rewards, Culture, #DEIB

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