News: Grant Thornton poaches tech executives to start digital arm in India

Strategic HR

Grant Thornton poaches tech executives to start digital arm in India

Consultancy firms like BCG, Grant Thornton, Deloitte, PwC are investing heavily into technology and making them a part of the services they offer.
Grant Thornton poaches tech executives to start digital arm in India

Grant Thornton, which is one of the largest assurance, tax and advisory firms in India, also has plans to launch a digital arm in India. As per the latest media report, for the same, it has poached five partners and 65 professional from various technology companies and other firms.

The industry currently is seeing a trend where the more traditional consulting bigwigs like Deloitte, EY, and KPMG are moving investing technology, while the technology firm like Wipro, TCS, and Infosys are moving towards consulting and advisory. Originally, the space of digital and technology consulting in India was firmly held by Accenture but consulting firms like Bain, GT and BCG are investing in technology and fast catching up.

The aim of the all firms is to invest in technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning to predict future growth, improve performance and much more.

"Words like big data, advance analytics, machine learning and digital are going through the journey from being considered slang to becoming a norm," said Vishesh C Chandiok, national managing partner at GT India. 

"We hope to build a team of 500 and touch revenue of Rs 100 crore in digitech by 2020," said Debashis Basu, a former EY India partner, who will head Grant Thorton India’s technology vertical. 

The Indian arm of Grant Thornton (GT) currently employs 3,000 people. 

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Topics: Strategic HR, Talent Acquisition, Technology

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