News: Michael Page India: 87% professionals welcome automation in jobs


Michael Page India: 87% professionals welcome automation in jobs

Michael Page India survey reveals 87% of Indian professionals welcome automation in jobs
Michael Page India:  87% professionals welcome automation in jobs

Technological advancement is significantly impacting employment scenario in India. Machine learning and robotics, AI are leading to automation of several jobs. To evaluate and understand sentiments of the Indian workforce, Michael Page India conducted a survey. The India Automation Report revealed that 87% Indian professionals view automation as a positive impact on their current work situation. 

The India Automation Report surveyed 1,034 employees in India and demonstrates a largely positive attitude towards digitization. It indicated attitudes of Indian professionals with regard to the influence of automation on their respective industries. 

Commenting on the implications of automation, Nicolas Dumoulin, Managing Director of Michael Page India, says, “India has embarked on a journey of transformation to become a digital and innovation hub with its various initiatives like “Digital India” and “Skill India". The government’s vision to build an integrated learning platform to upskill the workforce at different career stages plays a key part in mitigating employment risks.”

He adds, “Corporates embracing automation will open doors for newer skilled force at the strategic and entry levels. As we head towards 2030, there will be a paradigm shift towards the next digitisation revolution, where the demand for additional speed and power to produce more will grow. Organisations will play a vital role in enabling their talent to adapt to new changes. The workforce needs to be armed with innovative tools and training to empower themselves in the new digital world.”

Other key findings of the report include: 

  1. 78% displayed confidence in their future job prospects
  2. 83% indicated that they were not worried of displacement from their current job and they do not anticipate robotics replacing their jobs.
  3. 85% were considering the acquisition of new skills to stay relevant in their respective industries
  4. 78% affirmed that this change would not be immediate and would take place over the next decade
  5. The automation report findings also highlighted top three possible benefits of automation i.e. speed (27%), accuracy (24%) and higher cost-efficiencies (24%)

The report showcased interesting insight as despite market concerns around automation taking over jobs, majority of the professionals surveyed displayed optimistic attitude on automation. 

(Source:  The India Automation Report by Michael Page India)

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