News: Help average employees to be high potential

Learning & Development

Help average employees to be high potential

According to Harvard Business Review, companies need to have strategies for managing each tier of talent, including making sure average employees are put in roles that maximize their strengths. It states that performance reviews tells whether someone is doing an adequate job, but they fail to reveal whether people are doing the right jobs. This is especially problematic for average performers - those not good enough to be high potentials, but not bad enough to be fired.

According to Harvard Business Review, companies need to have strategies for managing each tier of talent, including making sure average employees are put in roles that maximize their strengths. It states that performance reviews tells whether someone is doing an adequate job, but they fail to reveal whether people are doing the right jobs. This is especially problematic for average performers - those not good enough to be high potentials, but not bad enough to be fired.

It is suggested that such employees should not be allowed to limp along in roles that are not right for them. Instead, companies should perform 'fit tests' at regular intervals that compare people's strengths and interests with their current job descriptions.

Source: The Economic Times

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