News: Amazon tops the list for 50 smartest companies 2016


Amazon tops the list for 50 smartest companies 2016

MIT Technology Review brought out the top 50 smartest companies in 2016 list. Tesla Motors, Alphabet, Huawei, Nvidia, Facebook, Toyota, Microsoft among others on the list.
Amazon tops the list for 50 smartest companies 2016


Every year, MIT Technology Review comes up with the list of top 50 organizations which are smart to combine innovative technology with effective business model. The list also talks about that although each year they crown the best 50, and “despite recent advances in fields like artificial intelligence and genomic medicine, technology has failed to energize the overall economy.” This year, Amazon tops the list, while Tesla Motors is in fourth spot, Alphabet is ranked at 8, Huawei is in 10th position. Facebook is ranked 15, while Toyota is at 17. Microsoft has made it to the top 50 positioned at No.26. 

Check out the top 10 among the 50 with the reasons ‘why’ MIT ranked them in that order:  (This list and the reasons are taken from the MIT Technology Review website)

50 Smartest Companies 2016

1. Amazon

Reason: Call out a request and AI-powered Alexa will play your favorite song or order you a pizza. And Amazon Web Services just keeps growing.

2. Baidu

Reason: China’s leading search engine is developing autonomous cars, backed by a big research and engineering team in Silicon Valley.

3. Illumina

Reason: The world’s largest DNA-sequencing company is moving beyond simply selling equipment to expand its uses: a company it’s launching, Grail, intends to develop a blood test that would screen for cancer before symptoms appear.

4. Tesla Motors

Reason: While advancing autopilot technology in its Model S and X cars, the company is taking electric vehicles mainstream with its $35,000 Model 3 car, which already has 400,000 pre-orders.

5. Aquion Energy

Reason:  Its innovative batteries for the power grid make this startup unusually successful in a tough industry.

6. Mobileye

Reason: A leader in making driver assistance technology such as collision warning systems for clients including Tesla, General Motors, and Volkswagen, among others, it is working on advances that will enable fully autonomous cars.

7. 23andMe

Reason:  After a two-year moratorium, 23andMe has resumed selling direct-to-consumer DNA tests that assess risk for genetic diseases.

8. Alphabet

Reason: Its DeepMind business inside Google developed an AI program that beat one of the world’s best players at the board game Go.

9. Spark Therapeutics

Reason: Very strong trial data on its gene therapy for a form of blindness implies that the treatment is headed for approval.

10. Huawei

Reason: This Chinese telecommunications giant is now the world’s third-largest smartphone vendor thanks to strong sales in both premium and entry-level devices.

The remaining 40 are: (rank-wise): First Solar, Nvidia, Cellectis, Facebook, SpaceX, Toyota, Airware, IDE Technologies, Tencent, Didi Chuxing, Oxford Nanopore, 24M, Alibaba, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Microsoft, Fanuc, Sonnen, Improbable, Movidius, Intrexon, Carbon, Bosch, T2 Biosystems, Editas Medicine, Nestlé,  RetroSense Therapeutics, Line, subsidiary of Naver, TransferWise, Veritas Genetics, FireEye, Seven Bridges, Slack, Coupang, IBM, Snapchat, Africa Internet Group, LittleBits, Intel, Monsanto.

Check out why these companies are ranked in that order here.


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