Video: Happy, Exhilarated, Wow- The Journey of Are You In The List?


Happy, Exhilarated, Wow- The Journey of Are You In The List?

The 'Are You In The List' journey is no less exciting as it is intensive. Winners describe the whole experience in a word. Wow, fantabulous, exhilarating- just some of the words that describe the journey.
The 'Are You In The List' has turned out to be the most rigorous assessment of young HR talent in the country. As one of last year's winners described, after winning the 'Are You In The List' award, his CV effectively reduced to one page from the earlier three pages. Such is the power of the reflection and introspection that 'Are You In The List' participants get through the experience. This year's winners describe their experiece in one word.
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Topics: Leadership, #AreyouintheList?

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