Video: Building high-performing young companies | Module 2: Leading digitisation for better CX & EX

Strategic HR

Building high-performing young companies | Module 2: Leading digitisation for better CX & EX

Small businesses typically have fewer employees. However, as data from the International Labour Organization show, micro and small enterprises together account for a staggering 70 percent of employment worldwide.

The journey from becoming an idea to a small business or startup, and ultimately growing into a high-performing organisation is not easy. Leaders have to invest in innovation and human capability. But a strict regulatory environment, lack of access to funds, and skills shortages create roadblocks in the growth journey of small businesses. Additionally, MSMEs compete with large enterprises that can invest more in training, pay higher wages and offer better working conditions.

How can SMEs outpace the competition when it comes to productivity and quality of employment? What are the possibilities for them?

To help SMEs and their leaders, People Matters and Keka present an exclusive masterclass series.

Module 2: Leading digitisation for better CX & EX

The pandemic has prompted MSMEs to go headfirst into the next stage of digitisation and to rethink their business and operating models. How did leaders manage the transition, and deploy new technology to stay afloat? How can MSMEs ensure the continuity and sustainability of work and business processes?

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Topics: Strategic HR, Startups

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