Video: Implementing childcare facilities at the workplace- A guided approach

Strategic HR

Implementing childcare facilities at the workplace- A guided approach

This experience sharing webcast will bring forth practical stories of what implementation mechanisms organizations are adopting.

It has been almost one year into the government mandating the provision of child care facilities like crèche at the workplace and that the employers have to bear the cost. How have organizations implemented the mandated child care facilities and what benefits have they reaped? This experience sharing webcast will bring forth practical stories of what implementation mechanisms organizations are adopting. 

Here are the pointers that the discussion will ponder upon:

  1. What are the key mandates of child care facilities that organizations need to be aware of?

  2. How are some of the progressive organizations implementing those mandates? What are some of the ambiguities they cleared before establishing the facilities?

  3. What challenges did they face? How did the organizations manage the cost and administrative burdens?

  4. What are some of the benefits they are reaping by establishing these facilities?

  5. What are some of the do's and don'ts that organizations establishing child care facilities should be aware of?
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Topics: Strategic HR, #Webinar

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