HR Technology

The debate on automation and jobs

The increasing pace of digitization and automation is one of the most debated factors affecting the workplace and the structure of the workforce today. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is being adopted across industries. In our annual global CEO survey1, CEOs reiterated the strategic importance of robotics and automation to their businesses and spoke of rates of adoption growing at more than 100% across functions. They further went on to estimate that 18% of jobs would be automated in 5 years’ time. Other sources of research corroborate this trend, with the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research estimating that 35% of all jobs would be replaced by technology by 2035.
This trend taken in isolation can be a worrying one, more so for a nation like us where 120 million youth enter the workforce every year. Recently, on my way to the farms in Thiruvalluvar in Tamil Nadu, the team I was traveling with discussed about the technological innovation in the agriculture sector which now allowe

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