Event: The puzzle of stretch goals

  • When: Thursday, 20th December, 2018 - 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Who should attend: HR Heads, Senior HR Leaders and Managers

Edwin Locke, American Psychologist and a pioneer in goal-setting theory described goal setting as “the most effective managerial tool available.” However, a great thinker and a popular management consultant W.E. Deming insisted that companies, “Eliminate management by objective.”


One of the most debated topics in performance ratings is stretch goals – to set them or not to set them. What effect will they have on the team? Will stretch goals motivate or demotivate employees? Should we include both stretch goals and attainable goals in goal-setting exercises?


Here are a few discussion pointers that the webcast will cover:

The business case for stretch goals- Industry speaker

The business case against stretch goals- Industry speaker

How do you measure performance in case of dismissing the idea of goals?

Best case scenario- Should we include both stretch goals and attainable goals in goal-setting exercises?


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Yuvaraj Srivastava

Yuvaraj Srivastava

Group CHRO, MakeMyTrip.com
Harish Vadali

Harish Vadali

C&B Leader - India and South Asia, IBM

For more information contact…

Aakanksha Singh
0124 4841 215


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