Learning the trends that never really goes away : HR Magazine


HR Magazine/ 2022/ October

Learning the trends that never really goes away

Learning the trends that never really goes away

People and organisations never stop learning. What does change, though, is what people learn, and how they learn it. Different skills gain prominence every decade, and technology has greatly advanced our understanding of how learning can be optimised as well as our ability to effect that optimisation.

In this issue of People Matters Digital Magazine, we look at how learning and skilling trends have evolved over the course of the last year and what the learning landscape looks like. We hear from industry leaders and domain experts such as Piyush Mehta, CHRO of Genpact; Katherine Loranger, Chief People Officer at Safeguard Global; culture and innovation evangelist Daniel Strode; and more. We touch on various approaches to learning that have taken off recently, and look at the opportunities and challenges inherent in organisational learning strategies.

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Big Interview

Leaders ought to accept they don't have all the answers

Holly Windham, Chief Legal and People Officer of Rackspace Technology, shares insights on people strategies in modern times and how her legal expertise has helped her devise employee solutions.


Cover Story

Psychologically safe: Culture design for learning – and failing

People say they want compensation and benefits. But it's culture design that truly matters, according to HR leader, author, culture and innovation evangelist and learner at heart Daniel Strode.



How to escape quiet quitting: Let go of pre-pandemic workforce norms

The conversations around “quiet quitting” may be controversial. But Katherine Loranger, Chief People Officer at Safeguard Global, points out that these are really an alarm ringing about the need for us, as leaders, to re-think our employees’ work experience.



The employee unboxed: Moonlighting isn’t a bad idea!

In these times, knowledge workers are much in demand. Y Shekar questions whether we can really blame professionals for scouting out multiple work avenues to earn some extra income.


Rapid Fire

Rajesh Rai, Head of Human Resources at GlobalLogic India

Move away from a heavy focus on the executives and managers as the target audience of efforts, and move more towards the employee base.



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