Article: Women Enable Better Decision Outcomes: Rohit Hasteer


Women Enable Better Decision Outcomes: Rohit Hasteer

Rohit Hasteer, Head - HR, MakeMyTrip shares the diversity practices in Make My Trip

Women have taken on a significantly larger role in business organizations and this is redefining the workplace expectations to enable them to catapult to greater heights. The value that women bring to the workplace is truly unquestionable in the present scenario as women are good team players, caring, creative, amicable and more holistic in their approach. Walking that impossible tight rope of personal and professional commitments make women great decision makers and quick on their feet. Diversity is beneficial at work as it brings a variety of opinions, backgrounds, and thinking styles to the table. And this integration of a variety of ideas further contributes to better decision outcomes for the business.

At MakeMyTrip, we recognize and appreciate the unique value that women employees bring to the business. Therefore, we have made conscious efforts to hire women candidates in certain roles / functions to ensure the gender ratio is improved. All our policies are designed to make certain that there is no discrimination and that there is fair treatment to both genders. Women employees are handling senior positions and roles that demand greater responsibility and accountability. To make the journey possible, we give them the option of flexi work hours and work from home/work from satellite office in other parts of Delhi/NCR. The maternity leave policy ensures that our female employees get quality time to spend with their family during this joyous and eventful phase of their lives, and there are part time work options to help them fulfill their personal goals. The flexible and conducive environment further ensures that women come back to us when they are ready to work again.

Rohit Hasteer is the Vice President-HR, MakeMyTrip


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Topics: Diversity, Strategic HR, C-Suite, #BestPractices, #ExpertViews

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