Article: The Counsellor: Working mother's dilemma


The Counsellor: Working mother's dilemma

Having worked for a company that is clear on its policies, which I appreciate, I was happy to have got the 3 months maternity break recently. Before I went on the break, I was confident that I will be able to join back work as scheduled without much difficulty. It has been 2 months since I have joined back work and I leave my baby in a day crèche. While I try to do my best, it would be incorrect to say that my mind is not divided between work and my baby. Thus, I am in a dilemma, as I really enjoy my work and want to give it 100 percent, but my current situation does not allow the same. I know many women have been able to handle this transition very well, but I feel lost at the moment. Please advise how best can I handle this situation? Thank you in advance.
The Counsellor: Working mother's dilemma

Having worked for a company that is clear on its policies, which I appreciate, I was happy to have got the 3 months maternity break recently. Before I went on the break, I was confident that I will be able to join back work as scheduled without much difficulty. It has been 2 months since I have joined back work and I leave my baby in a day crèche. While I try to do my best, it would be incorrect to say that my mind is not divided between work and my baby. Thus, I am in a dilemma, as I really enjoy my work and want to give it 100 percent, but my current situation does not allow the same. I know many women have been able to handle this transition very well, but I feel lost at the moment. Please advise how best can I handle this situation? Thank you in advance.

What you have stated is the typical dilemma of any ambitious working mother. I can fully empathize with you. I am glad to know that you want to give 100 percent at work. I believe you need to strike a balance between your work and personal life. Work-life balance can be achieved in multiple ways; there is never a right prescription for this, for different people different solutions will work. Some random thoughts:

1) If your company allows flexi-timing and the nature of work permits the same, you can take off for an hour or two during the work and visit the crèche
2) Look at an option to do part-time work with your current employers for a few years, till your baby grows up
3) Take up an easier role/assignment wherein it will be less stressful
4) Look for a day crèche near your office so that you can visit the baby during lunch breaks
5) Plan with your boss – take small breaks from work, like a day off once every 2 weeks.

These random thoughts are just some possibilities. If you discuss your problem with your boss, HR department, your colleagues, friends, I am sure you will be able to discover more possibilities. Let me wish you all the best in your endeavor to strike a balance. Do not give up; just try various possibilities and options. I am sure something right will emerge.

Vivek is a Senior HR professional with over 35 years of experience, ranging several leadership positions, in India and abroad. He leads his consulting practice since 2003 and presently works as a Strategic HR Advisor to Reliance Industries, and is also an independent Director on the Board of Motilal Oswal Financial Services Ltd. Prior to this, he was based at Singapore for several years where he was Director HR - Operations at Hewlett Packard for the Asia Pacific Region.

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