Article: Women Empowerment in High-Tech Companies: The Way Ahead


Women Empowerment in High-Tech Companies: The Way Ahead

A wave of employee demographics transparency among Silicon Valley tech biggies has raised a debate on workforce diversity

Last month, Google shared its complete demographics along with making the “Equal Employment Opportunity 1” report public. Other tech companies like LinkedIn, Yahoo, Chegg, etc. also followed suit.

According to that report, Google has about 30 percent females in its workforce; Yahoo has about 37 percent whereas LinkedIn is a clear winner among the tech giants with 39 percent of its workforce being females.

There is an added pressure on companies like Apple, Facebook & Twitter who have kept these numbers as a closely guarded secret as of now.

The world of high-tech has been always perceived as male-dominant and highly nerdy. That’s where organizations like Anita Borg Institute (ABI) have pitched in to train women for such roles. The good news is that all the high-tech companies now recognize the need to empower women for bigger roles in technical roles. Consequently, as the first step, all the major companies including the ones mentioned here have partnered with ABI to close in on this gender gap.

IBM & HP who have already witnessed a strong growth in women workforce have been propagating how women employees have made economic sense for them by increasing return on equity, connecting a link with customers, boosting CSR activities and including ideas which they earlier missed. Diversity tends to provide a wholesome internal feedback mechanism on any new product or service. Inclusion increases the brand value of the company and women empowerment clearly, is the way ahead for tech biggies.

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Topics: Diversity, #BestPractices

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