Article: Throwback Thursday: Highlights from 'Ideas for the Future Zone' at People Matters TechHR

HR Technology

Throwback Thursday: Highlights from 'Ideas for the Future Zone' at People Matters TechHR

The integrated exhibition space at People Matters TechHR showcases best of the best HR tech solutions from across the globe and hosts some of the exciting sessions. Here's a sneak peek into the zone.
Throwback Thursday: Highlights from 'Ideas for the Future Zone' at People Matters TechHR

People Matters TechHR Conference with insightful sessions, an exciting line up of speakers and who's who of the business world creates an ecosystem for all to learn from each other and accelerate the conversation on future of talent and work. 

While some learning happens in closed doors, through panel discussions, keynote sessions and masterclasses, some learning happens in a more casual setup in the Ideas for the Future Zone.

It is where 150 exhibitors demonstrate and display their products HR products and services. 

Every year Ideas for the Future Zone hosts live Q&As, The TechHR Trivia challenge and book signing from leading authors in Leadership, HR Transformation, and Technology. It is also where the musical band performs and the HR Tech startups pitch their products to the investors. 

The Ideas for the Future Zone is designed to help business and talent leaders explore the HR tech market and make direct business impact by solving talent challenges..

As we move closer to the date for this year's People Matters TechHR Conference, here is a throwback to last year's learning, networking and fun filled Ideas for the Future Zone. 

Unconference Track

The unconference space at People Matters TechHR is a collaborative learning set amidst the most buzzing areas of the expo. 

Last year, the space had one of the most unusual speakers of TechHR, the two feet tall, oversized toy look-alike humanoid Manav. 

He  came along with Robotics Scientist, Prof. Diwakar Vaish who talked about ‘how robotics can help us solve the talent challenges.’

Live Talk Show

While the other tracks at TechHR were filled with sessions and keynotes from global thought leaders in a more formal setup, Unconference Space found the same leaders talk about crucial topics candidly.

From Sunil Sood, MD CEO Vodafone India to Aileen Tan, Group CHRO, Singtel, who came all the way from Singapore, the Ideas of the future zone had leaders from across the globe interact and share their knowledge with everyone. 

The talk shows were insightful but also fun. 

Startup Program

The world of business is filled with several work and talent challenges, from hiring the right people to engaging and retaining them. But the good news is that as these challenges become more difficult, many teams and people emerge with innovative tech solutions to solve these challenges. 

The growing Work Tech space is filled with a plethora of startups trying to solve various talent challenges. It is important that these startups get more guidance as they grow. And every year People Matters provides a learning and networking platform for such innovative HR Tech startups to help them gain more insights. 

The startup space also helps the talent professionals become more aware about the variety of solutions out there is the market. 

Last year, startups like Workruit, Hyreo, SalaryFits and PayReview participated in the program and pitched their products to investors from VC firms like Qualcomm Ventures and Blume Ventures. 

The startup zone also hosted learning sessions from investors and business leaders. For instance, Tarun Davda and Ashish Vidyarthi shared their knowledge and experience with emerging leaders.  

Leading HR Tech Startups would be pitching their innovative, out-of-the-box HR Tech product ideas to leading investors & decision makers in HR.

Musical concert

People Matters TechHR Conference is always filled with a whole lot of energy and last year the energy kept going up as the days proceeded. 

One might think that after a long learning session, everyone would be tired but not at TechHR. 

The Idea for the Future Zone, last year, was lit with sensational musical performance by band Swaratama. 

Their music energized the TechHR evening and everyone danced their heart out at the tunes. 

This year, at People Matters TechHR 2019 startup the Ideas for the Future Zone will host 150 exhibitors who will demonstrate and display their products HR products and services. It will also host 30+ emerging HR Tech Startups from different parts of the globe. You are sure to find a solution or idea for your talent challenges in a zone that’s going to be abuzz with great ideas and experiences.

To know more about the conference, click here. 

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