People Matters

Automation With HROne

The CHRO way to automation and business transformation

The unprecedented times have challenged organisations to rethink their ways of working and HRTech has a major role to play here.

A lot has changed—we don’t work in a typical work-from-office setup anymore, the distributed and multigenerational workforce has varied expectations, and mere engagement initiatives to be ‘that’ brand doesn’t make the cut. Managing change isn’t an option anymore, and so the role of HR has become more strategic than ever. But, with challenges so frequent and new to you, sometimes it might feel like taking a stab in the dark. We, with HROne, are here to upend it. HROne is a top ranking HR automation platform that helps companies eliminate mundane and repetitive HR tasks by automating 80+ processes.

Through #AutomationWithHROne, A People Matters and HROne campaign, you get the best resources on HR automation and business transformation. With leading expert voices from the industry and the HR community, we will publish research, articles, blogs, and expert panel discussions aimed at simplifying your work life - derive work fulfilment for your employees and you.

Helping you make HR automation smooth and impactful to deliver superior results and better business success.

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HR Tech’s potential in fostering the right culture

HR Tech’s potential in fostering the right culture

An insightful virtual roundtable, hosted by HROne, on the topic HR Tech Trends 2024: Pioneering innovation in the HR landscape, saw HR leaders come together to discuss the best strategies to balance organisational productivity and employee well-being and much more.

Aastha Gupta,
#Leadership  #HR Technology  #HCM/HRMS/HRIS  #Employee Relations  #Automation With HROne

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