Employer Branding

Manage career aspirations and grow talent with opportunity

How will you define the relationship between attracting and retaining the best talent and the organization’s business performance?

Human capital is the intellectual capital of a company. Over time we have seen that employees today don’t want to work with just ‘brands’; they look forward to an overall career development experience. The key here is to manage their career aspirations and grow talent through a variety of opportunities.

What are the factors that are important today in terms of talent attraction?

Though monetary benefits certainly help attracting talent, there are several other factors which contribute to making a company an ‘employer of choice’. Some of those include work environment, learning & development opportunities and health & wellness. At Patni, we have identified these as the key drivers and have focus on developing initiatives in these fronts.

Today’s professionals need a career and experience, not just a job. In line with this changing mindset, the company needs to provide exciting growth opportunities and customized fast track growth programs so that employees can hone their existing skill-sets and add new facets to their skills at the same time.

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