
Over 50 schools in NHRDN-People Matters B-School Ranking 2014

For the second time in a row, the National HRD Network and People Matters B-School Ranking is witnessing overwhelming participation from institutes that participated last year and new ones that wish to make a mark for themselves, proving their worth in the tough, competitive arena of management education. More than 50 B-Schools have confirmed participation already. While the validation process for the rankings is on and registrations have been closed, more enquiries for participation are pouring in. The NHRDN People Matters B-School ranking has raised the bar again!

Esther Martinez Hernandez, Editor-in-Chief of People Matters, says “The ranking is going to bring a significant difference in the way management education institutes function. The B-schools, the students, the industry and the community on the whole, is going to benefit from the ranking. It is an opportunity for the B-Schools to reflect and improve their standards while the students and the industry would get access to information that could help them decide on what’s the best for them.”

How is it done?

The research flow has five major steps to ensure a smooth and accurate ranking process. Firstly, the participation invites along with the acceptance letter attached, is sent to institutes. Once, the acceptance letters are received, the questionnaires are sent to the respective institutes. A week later, the institutes are requested to submit the filled in questionnaires and confirm a date for the validation team visit. Post the visit of the validation team that comprises a research member and one NHRDN corporate nominee, the data collected is tabulated for accurate analysis. The process, at each stage, ensures transparency, accuracy and credibility of the information collected. NHRDN is still in the process of analyzing the data to come up with the ranking in April.

The NHRDN-People Matters B-School Ranking 2014 is a unique platform acknowledging the best practices in academics and industry connectedness amongst business management institutes in the country and benchmarking them. It is also a motivation for the institutes to introduce new initiatives, provide better environment and facilities to students and outperform themselves and others in the rankings with each passing year.

With the same spirit and agenda, the B-Schools, the aspirants and the corporates are all eager to know the rankings this year, which will be announced in the April 2014 issue of People Matters.

Watch out this space for more developments on the NHRDN-People Matters B-School Ranking 2014!

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