Talent Management

Gig economy: Adjusting to the new nature of work

The American workforce is undergoing dramatic change, becoming a more flexible, collaborative network that redefines the definition of the “worker.” In this gig economy, people are growing comfortable with flexible working arrangements, moving between roles and between organizations, and working across geographic boundaries. This flexibility on the part of workers, combined with a growing demand for talent, has the potential to reshape the workforce into a collaborative, transparent, technology-driven marketplace. Simply put, in a few years, a significant number of people who work “for” your company may not be employees or even contractors. They may be temps, freelancers, collaborators or other types of virtual workers, all connected through online platforms to increase productivity.

Managing this gig workforce, however, requires some internal adjustments. Traditionally, freelancers and contract workers have been managed through the procurement department. Solving for talent an

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