Article: The power of engaged employees

Employee Engagement

The power of engaged employees

Engaged employees act as both external and internal influencers, driving the organisation's growth and success
The power of engaged employees

Today, every organisation is focused on tremendous business transformation by adopting new technologies, shifting towards artificial intelligence, and hybrid cloud services, and developing new workforce skills to keep pace with sudden changes. Organisations are rapidly changing their approach to work, but this transition presents unprecedented challenges for most planners. This involves substantial changes in policies and mechanisms to compete with large-scale fluctuations in the external environment, make internal adjustments, maintain internal equilibrium with a diverse set of behaviours, and cultivate employee engagement with the principles of a high-performance culture. 

Employee engagement can be seen as a collaborative partnership between an organisation and its employees. The two partners have a similar frame of reference to map out their strategic challenges and are willing to work together. However, the prism through which these two partners view the changing world order is substantively different. 

Considering this dynamic, an intriguing question arises: Can an engaged employee exert a positive influence on the overall organisational environment? The answer appears to be affirmative. An engaged employee emerges as a formidable asset in fortifying the organisation against various forms of threats and challenges—both those arising internally and those stemming from external sources.

Can engaged employee can be internal and external Influencers?

An engaged employee has the potential to become a powerful influencer, both internally and externally, by positively shaping the workplace environment, motivating colleagues, and representing the organisation in a positive light to clients and customers (Figure 1). 

how engaged employees can be internal and external influencers
Figure 1 -   Factors that make engaged employees both internal and external influencers

Can employees be engaged at a macro level within the organisation? 

To achieve sustainable employee engagement in the workplace, the behaviour of reporting managers shapes employees’ feelings about work and the value of positive personal connections in the workplace. Therefore, reporting managers play a pivotal role in engaging the workforce positively in the workplace (Figure 2).

Mentioned below are the qualities that leaders must possess in order to achieve employee engagement in the workplace (Figure 2).

Leadership Qualities
         Figure 2 - Leadership qualities

Leader Language:  The language and communication style of a reporting manager can significantly impact employee engagement and collaboration. By using positive, inclusive, and growth–focused language, reporting managers can stimulate collaboration, create a strong sense of purpose and give their subordinates a feeling that they are part of a team. A higher level of engagement can also be achieved by providing constructive feedback, offering recognition and praise, and showing interest in employees’ personal lives. Therefore, it is imperative for reporting managers to prioritise their language and communication style to foster a positive and productive work environment. 

Leader Behaviour: A manager’s behaviour sets the tone for the workplace culture and influences how employees perceive their work environment. A competent manager understands the individual aspirations and capabilities of team members and leverages this knowledge to foster a positive work culture. By asking about what the employee is experiencing and engaging with them about their stories and opinions. Good behaviour lies in creating a culture of open communication which makes employees feel worthwhile & and fosters a relationship with whom they can celebrate and connect. A manager who fosters a sense of camaraderie and collaboration among employees can inspire them to work together in harmony toward a common goal thus creating a winning strategy. 

Leader Support: A manager plays a crucial role in shaping an employee’s experience at work. By creating a facilitative environment, a manager can empower team members to achieve their desired level of performance. This can be done by providing the necessary resources, support, and guidance to help employees succeed. Moreover, by understanding each team member’s unique strengths, a manager can assign tasks and responsibilities that play to those strengths, increasing engagement and motivation. A manager can act as a nurturing force by creating a facilitative environment which helps individuals achieve their desired performance.

Figure 3:  This is how Leadership fuels and revitalises workplace success

Overall, engaged employees have the potential to accelerate positivity in an organisation’s environment in a variety of ways, which can help drive success and growth. 

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Topics: Employee Engagement, Employee Relations, Leadership

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