Assessment Center for Building a High Potential Talent Pipeline
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Client Industry
A large Non-Banking Financial Company which is a part of an Indian Conglomerate.
The client had identified the High Potentials from all its eight businesses for development interventions. The key outcomes to be arrived through the assessment centers were: identification of the strengths and development areas of the high potential talents for implementing sustainable development interventions.
Workforce Solution
Right Management partnered with the client to create Development Center programs in order to verify the potential of leaders.
· Each of the Development Centers was designed taking into consideration the profile and level of the target group. A multi- assessor multi- tool approach was taken to ensure that there are ample inputs to substantiate the strengths and areas of development for the participants. The tools included a mix of case studies, role plays, inbox exercises and reflection and sharing of career aspiration
· The behaviors for the competencies were redefined in order to suit not just the the role & level of the leaders are into but also the role into which they could be stepping in the near future in order to check their readiness for the role
· In support of the key objective to both verify potential and develop leaders, an integrated report identifying the participant’s strengths and development needs for continued career growth was produced and reviewed during an individual participant feedback session at the close of the Development Center
· In addition to that, a group level report was created to share the level-wise, profile-wise and business-wise outcome to highlight the broader areas of development for each of the groups which forms the basis of the development journey for them
The program received rave reviews from the participants and the Executive Leadership Team. Through this program, we have provided in-depth analysis that has been used to design, develop and enhance strategic talent management interventions aligned with business challenges across our client's businesses. The Development Centers are considered an integral part of the client’s talent management initiative and had been expanded and refined to reflect the client’s organizational focus and leadership requirements.
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