Innovation in India: What it takes to become an L&D pioneer
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India, as an economy, is at an exciting inflection point. Digital transformation has been a key driver of growth since the launch of the Digital India Initiative in 2015. Innovation has become our country’s hallmark. As more companies embrace transformation from within, they’re realizing that they need employees with the most up-to-date skills before creating the change and seize the opportunities that they want. With the pandemic wreaking havoc on Business As Usual, innovation is needed now, more than ever before.
Since the onset of the pandemic, I’ve seen many Learning & Development (L&D) professionals stepping up, taking center stage, and leading the charge within their organizations. It’s remarkable because let’s face it, most people didn’t join L&D because they wanted to be a star player in the boardroom. Many of them were simply responding to the call of duty: to help guide their organization and support their colleagues through times of unprecedented change. In order to do so, they had to innovate. They had to be smart about what they did and how they did it:
“We developed an academy idea and targeted the new CEO, showing how the company had fallen behind. He was convinced this was a way for him to make his mark, and he ended up presenting it to the workforce.
- A Construction Firm, India
Inspired, we wanted to take a closer look. We analyzed the 10% of organizations that have been most successful at embedding a learning culture and packaged all our insights into the India edition of the Handbook for L&D Pioneers, which is now available for free download.
It’s a big read but an essential one that I recommend to all L&D professionals. In the handbook, you’ll find:
- The 5 consistent characteristics of L&D pioneers
- Ideas to cement learning as the key to managing change and digital transformation
- Proven strategies for earning influence at the C-suite level
- An implementation playbook to embed learning at all levels
- Tactics and techniques to build learning momentum that pays off
The pandemic has already thrust L&D into the spotlight. Your leadership is already paying attention; your employees are already receptive. Now’s the time to build on that momentum, take your learning culture to the next level, and pioneer a new chapter for your organization.
To get started, pick up your free copy of the Handbook for L&D Pioneers now.