The Great War for Talent : HR Magazine


HR Magazine/ 2021/ September

The Great War for Talent

The Great War for Talent

Best talents remain elusive irrespective of the market dynamic. After the great round of layoffs led by the pandemic, organizations are scuffling to win the war for talent. Salaries, benefits, flexibility, and perks don’t hold water anymore to attract young workers today. Workers are quitting or switching jobs in droves which some economists have dubbed the ‘Great Resignation’. Four million people left the US workplace in the month of April 2021 alone. So, how do you manage talent amid this significant shift in mindset and attract and retain best talent? This issue of our magazine attempts to decode the new norms of talent management.


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Big Interview

In the hybrid world, organizations' focus should go beyond just ‘where’ people work: IBM’s Nickle LaMoreaux

In an exclusive interview with us, IBM’s HR chief Nickle LaMoreaux touches upon some of the most talked-about aspects of the new world of work including the hybrid work conundrum, lessons learnt from the crisis, work-life integration, top priorities of IBM, and more.



Sustainability and the C-Suite: The 5Ps of sustainability

Many organisations have set bold targets for their sustainability transformation, far fewer have delivered on these ambitions to date, writes Sarah Galloway, Consultant at Russell Reynolds Associates.



Walmart’s Amy Goldfinger on rethinking talent management

Amy Goldfinger, SVP, Global Talent at Walmart throws light on how to streamline talent management strategies to attract and retain the best possible talent in the face of the great resignation.



Thriving at work & in life

Employee wellness is no longer only limited to help teams unwind, but more about enabling them to have a balanced work-life. This piece attempts to answer can digital wellness solutions help?


Special Interview

Human resources was elevated to humane resources, and this should not go away: Dr Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic

We are seeing a new chapter in the war for talent which is intensifying the need to offer flexibility, meaning, and even moral validation for employers, shares Dr Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, Chief Innovation Officer at ManpowerGroup.


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